

About Us

Pack 559 strives to provide a fun and worthwhile scouting experience for the children of the pack.  Experience has shown that a good understanding of the program by the parents has a very positive benefit to the Scouts and the pack.

Pack 559 has several objectives for its scouting program. The overall objective is to provide an opportunity for the children to learn basic scouting, camping skills, and to develop their character and future leadership abilities. These characteristics are exemplified in the Scout Promise and Scout Law. The scouting skills are learned through den meetings, summer campouts, and service projects.

The basic Cub Scout program features age-appropriate scouting skills and throughout the program we encourage the scouts to live by the Scout Promise and Law. The children are encouraged to grow mentally, physically, and spiritually. We hope that the scouts learn that service to others and the community is a fundamental part of being good citizens. Your son is expected to be responsible, with your help, for his own actions whether participating in den and pack meetings or camping trips.  Additionally, as the children mature, we will provide simple leadership opportunities, which will one day take root and grow in their Boy Scouts years.

Cub Scouts has a well-defined rank advancement. All scouts are encouraged to work toward their next rank. This provides them opportunity to learn specific skills as well as accomplish a set goal. Our goal is for new scouts to achieve the merit rank set for their age.

A central premise of the entire Cub Scout program is that it is an adult-led organization. Adult leaders provide guidance and support to allow the Scouts to grow through the program.  The success of the Pack and its activities is ultimately the responsibility of the parents. Without the parents help the Pack will not survive. Everyone has a skill or talent; the Pack is asking each parent to become involved and use those skills to help improve the program delivered to the children. The Pack welcomes parents at all of our activities plus as members of the Pack Committee and various other adult positions. Pack 559 hopes to be a leader among other Packs because of the depth and involvement of our adult leadership. We hope you help us to build this legacy for our children!